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Sound Effects

  • special< distortion

  • pitch shifter

  • Amplitude and compression< gain envelope < 0dB Pulse

What I Did to Each Original Audio Is Between the Two Tracks!

  • reverb

  • echo

  • special> guitar suite< supermarket speakers

  • pitch shifter< dark lord (low precision)

  • guitar suite< drum suite (preset)

  • echo

  • multi-track (4 layers staggered)

  • Track 1: Echo (springy telephone)

  • Track 2: Guitar Suite> Rez Box

  • Track 3: slowed the audio down and added reverb

  • Track 4: Adjusted volume and speed

  • Pitch< preset: Dark lord (low)

  • Gain envelope> remove attack

  • stretch and pitch> preset: slow down

  • invert

  • reverse

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